The Situation
Four days after the Russian victory at Ottenhoven, the Grande Armée is finally getting to grips with the army of Austria. A strong push by Bernadotte, backed by Davout, has expanded to the East the Wasserburg bridgehead across the Inn, only to discover a solid line of Austrians stretching for miles to the South-East in the direction of the Chiemsee. It has been raining for days, and will be an uphill fight. The French have fought with mud on their boots before, though, and if the Austrians are willing to accept battle the French are more than willing to give it to them...
We played the battle in the extremely congenial location of Bundanoon, in the Southern Highlands of NSW, where the Bundanoon Hotel were kind enough to allow us the use of their private dining room. Thanks, Gavin! We hope that this will be only the first of many such meetings. Robert led the Austrians, assisted by the (nominally Russian, in the campaign) John and Colin, while David and Michael handled the French.