At the August meeting of the Northern Sydney Wargames Club we played the first public test run of a set of grand-tactical Napoleonic wargames rules that I have been working on in odd moments. I will post more on the rules themselves another time, but want to start with an after action report while the event is still fresh. I do have to say, though, that the rules are based closely on the Altar of Freedom ACW rules written by Greg Wagman. My rules, in homage to Greg's, are called Throne & Altar, with reference to the counter-revolutionary principles that animated the opposition to Revolutionary and Imperial France.
I give my thanks to the four players who commanded during the battle: John and Michael on the French side, Robert and newcomer Tony on the Spanish. The battle was hard-fought and tense, with serious plotting going on throughout. Although the scenario puts the French in a very difficult position (as they were historically) the outcome remained in the balance until remarkably late in the day.
With that brief introduction out of the way, on with the game, which represents the battle of Bailén in 1808. A French corps, of fairly indifferent quality and laden with the loot of the city of Cordoba, is trying to escape pursuit and get back to the safety of Madrid. Having marched all night, they are horrified to see, at dawn, Spanish troops blocking their way.